Elon Musk, the renowned entrepreneur and visionary, stated that we are on the event horizon of the black hole of AI. This quote encapsulates the deep uncertainty surrounding the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and specifically, the future development of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
AGI usually refers to AI systems that possess human-like intelligence and abilities across a wide range of tasks. There is a better way to wrestle with this issue. What do we do when machines seem to have souls?
While AGI holds immense potential to revolutionize our world, it also brings about unprecedented challenges and risks. Musk’s analogy to a black hole’s event horizon emphasizes the critical juncture we find ourselves in – a point of no return where the consequences of our actions become increasingly uncertain.
The largest cost of learning has long been a significant barrier to knowledge and its subsequent offspring, including productivity and wealth. While the animal kingdom possesses a form of learning through behavior, the cost is existence itself. This is why death is the adaptation; the driver of change. Humanity’s distinctive advantage lies in our ability to learn through language. However, this form of learning is not without its limitations. Think years and years of school. Now, consider a scenario where programmable learning becomes available instantaneously available with virtually zero cost at the margin. The implications of such a breakthrough are staggering. With the removal of the “costs” of acquiring knowledge, entities would have the unprecedented ability to continuously expand their intellectual horizons. In fact, the “horizon” of their knowledge becomes the only learning they can gain; because the cost of learning some other knowledge is simply a download. How do we describe a world like this? Answer: We don’t!
It’s the singularity. The black hole.
Our major concern becomes the loss of control. As machines surpass human capabilities and their goals cease to align with ours, perhaps we will have created the deity that we wish for: A Nanny on high who won’t allow tragedies or suffering. Perhaps we will trade autonomy for security.
Despite these concerns, it is important to acknowledge the tremendous potential AI and AGI hold for positive change. From advancements in healthcare and scientific research to enhancing transportation systems and mitigating climate change, these technologies can contribute to a better future.
As we stand on the precipice of this black hole of AI, it is crucial that we approach its development with a balanced perspective. We must strive for transparency, robust regulation, and proactive collaboration among industry leaders, policymakers, and the public. By doing so, we can navigate the uncertain terrain of AI and AGI and shape a future that maximizes their benefits while minimizing their risks.