Researchers Steer Cyborg Mice Through Maze with Brain Stimulation – IEEE Spectrum

This kind of research is just getting started, much more to come… black mirror

Video shows a cyborg mouse ignoring sex and food as it obeys humans’ navigation commands
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Artificial and biological cells work together as mini chemical factories | Imperial News | Imperial College London

This is one step along a long road of merging with machines…

CELL FACTORIES – Researchers have fused living and non-living cells for the first time in a way that allows them to work together, paving the way for new applications.
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In CSU lab, laser-heated nanowires produce micro-scale nuclear fusion with record efficiency | Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering | SOURCE | Colorado State University

In CSU lab, laser-heated nanowires produce micro-scale nuclear fusion with record efficiency | Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering | SOURCE | Colorado State University
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