Materials science is just cool…
Method assembles cellulose nanofibres into a material stronger than spider silk
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or whatever you'd like, just please think…
Materials science is just cool…
Method assembles cellulose nanofibres into a material stronger than spider silk
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The real story is that serious people are chasing this…
Biologist George Church says the idea is to live to 130 in the body of a 22-year-old.
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Still a long way to a cure… but take what we can get…
Tissue-engineered human pancreatic cells successfully treat diabetic mice
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Futures is a truth-seeking market…
How Futures Trading Changed Bitcoin Prices – Economic Research
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Great work here… make your kids read it.
Three wild speculations from amateur quantitative macrohistory
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More CRISPR magic…
A Salk Institute team found transplanting liver cells into hemophilic mice restored their ability to form blood clots. The hope is that this one-and-done treatment could replace the frequent injections of clotting factors currently used to treat the inherited blood disorder.
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More to come…
By treating these states as ordinary 1 and 0, it could be possible to create a new kind of “lightwave” computer with the million-times-faster clock speeds that Kira mentioned. The first challenge along this route will be to use a train of laser pulses to “flip” the pseudospins at will.
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This silicon acceleration is fuel to the AI race. It is happening at all levels.. physics is giving quantum paths and optics, material science is giving us substrates, CompSci is giving us structural reorganization of logic, even biology is opening logic worlds to us… it’s gonna be a crazy ride.
The rise of machine learning is giving renewed life to compute-in-memory processors now in the works at startups, IBM, and universities.
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Research finds ‘Achilles heel’ for aggressive prostate cancer
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This could be huge…. if…
The first small modular reactor (SMR) application has passed an intensive Phase 1 review by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). The okay for NuScale Power means that plans can progress on a 12-module plant scheduled to go online in Idaho in the middle of the next decade.
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