Opec wishes, dreams, and laughter

This article is excellent, and written with so much hope. It made me lol even though I agree with it. 

Today, OPEC is faced with the devil’s alternative. If it continues to limit production, the response of efficient operators in different technologies will accelerate, and if it recovers production levels prior to the cuts, it will not be able to finance the excessive expenditure to which the member countries have become accustomed.
OPEC’s response should only be one. Demonstrate that they are the most efficient and reliable operators and that their governments can stop irresponsible spending. Only in this way will these countries, full of wonderful opportunities, remain relevant and prosperous.
“Low” oil prices are a blessing in disguise to producers, even if they do not believe it. It is the shock they need to wake up from the nightmare of the petrostate, that wastes billions of oil revenues and thinks it will go on eternally. Disruptive technologies are here to stay and have only one future: brilliant.